20th Sunday after Pentecost October 6, 2024 The Rev. Bill Humphreys PREPARE FOR WORSHIP TOGETHER “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the reign of God as a lile child will never enter it.” -Jesus, in Mark 10 First Sunday of the month and we will be observing Lord's Supper. SMPC and El Buen Pastor churches thank Betty Mascarenas, Charlotte Valdez and Eli and Carol Lopez. We so enjoyed their presence with us. Preaching Schedule October 6 - Communion Sunday, Rev.John Guthrie October 13 - The Rev. Bill Humphreys October 20- The Rev. Bill Humphreys October 27 - The Rev. Bill Humphreys Keep your ears open for Bell Choir practice after church at EBP!!! PRAYER REQUESTS COMMUNITY EVENTS: Thanksgiving for this week: Thanks to Mary for her service at the Truchas Clinic. May she be blessed in retirement. Thanks to Sean Pierce for a wonderful beginning of his service in playing at SMPC. Congratulations to Cecil and Edith Brown on 50 years of marriage! Blessings. Thanks to Ernie Vigil for the groundskeeping and for church cleaning. Bill and Margaret Franke Mailing address: 5200 West Blvd # 504 Boardman OH 44512 Remembering Friends and Community Members. NOTE: PRAYER REQUESTS And THANKSGIVINGS Sara Romer Joe and Salena Keesecker as they struggle with health issues. SF PW Bible Study .Zoom Bible study will continue in October. Reach out to Edith or Margaret for more information.
Officers for SMPC: Elders: Darlene Montoya, Clerk of Session, Class of Elders Class of 2024 Valerie Cordova and Leandro Cordova Elders Class of 2025: Roseanne Martinez Elders Class of 2026: Darlene Montoya and Cindy Vigil Deacons: Class of 2024 : Clara Vigil and Mike Montoya Class of 2025 : Leslee Cordova Class of 2026: Natalie Cordova. Corporation officers: Leslee Cordova, President, Roseanne Martinez, Sec., Mary Singelton and Margaret Franke, members. Officers for EBP: Elders: David Bass, Clerk of Session Eunice and David Class of 2024 AnaLisa and Waldo Class of 25 Deacons: Layla Coriz, James Coriz, Class of 24 Edna Martinez and Susy Ruiz and Gloria and Jesse ANNOUNCEMENTS Jicarita Cluster Information- Our churches are members of the Cluster which includes the northern New Mexico Churches including Penasco, Embudo, Ranchos de Taos and Taos First, Chacon, Mora, Las Vegas, White Rock, El Buen Pastor Chimayo, Smith Memorial Truchas, Los Alamos United, and Westminster Santa Fe. These churches work together to support Camp Loma Verde which holds summer programs for Cluster youth. Presbytery of Santa Fe The Presbytery sends information on their webpage: https://santafepresbytery.org PHOTOS WANTED IF you want to share a photo of family or nature at worship, please send photo to Margaret [email protected]. I will upload and post so we can see each other!! Prayer requests: Send requests to Margaret at [email protected] Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church, Truchas, New Mexico (Truchas is Spanish for trout) |